
Experience Six Minutes of Bliss

Photo credit: TNT Video - YouTube
Photo credit: TNT Video - YouTube

From Road & Track

Your ears hate you. The people you talk to have grating voices and bad opinions. You shove poorly shaped ear buds in them for hours on end to listen to music that should legally be considered trash. They're full of wax that you neglect to clean. They're dying for you to be nice to them. To do something that'll remind them that you need them, that they're loved.

Well, here's the solution: six minutes of Alfa Romeo 155 touring car sounds. That's it. No political agenda. No bass beat that's too loud. No Q-Tip puncturing your ear drum. Just the mellifluous sounds of an Alfa Romeo driving around the hills of Italy at full chat. An orchestra of smooth loveliness that will remind your ears why they listen to all the other crap you force them to hear. And a noise that'll make them want to stay around for years to come.


So, please, listen to this and let your ears experience pure bliss.

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