
F1 Driver Yuki Tsunoda's Tire Rolls Away, Memes Ensue

f1 grand prix of azerbaijan practice qualifying
F1 Driver Tsunoda's Tire Rolls Away, Memes EnsueDan Mullan - Formula 1 - Getty Images

Today's Formula 1 sprint race in Azerbaijan may not have mattered much, but it did produce a memorable moment: Alpha Tauri driver Yuki Tsunoda's race took an unfortunate turn on the opening lap when he lost a tire. The tire then went on to roll past his slowing car, creating a screencap for the ages.

The tire was knocked loose by contact with the wall, leading to the unusual problem. Tsunoda's day ended with the tire issue, ending any hope of a top eight finish that would have secured a rare point for a struggling team. Fortunately, the tire was moving slowly and did not pose a major safety risk under the virtual safety car called immediately for clean-up. That means the only meaningful impact from the runaway tire was the opportunity it created for jokes:

Since sprint races no longer impact the grid for Sunday's grand prix races, Tsunoda will retain his excellent eighth-place starting position in the full-length race tomorrow. Tsunoda's AlphaTauri team is behind on pace this season, but he scored the program's first points of the season with a tenth at Australia last time out and will be seeking more points in the full-length race tomorrow.

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