
Fernando Alonso Will Keep Running the Indy 500 Until He Wins

Photo credit: Michael Hickey / Getty
Photo credit: Michael Hickey / Getty

From Road & Track

Fernando Alonso's Indy 500 entry isn't just a brief flight of fancy–the double F1 world champion is 100 percent serious about winning this historic race. He made that abundantly clear in an interview withRacer Magazine held during the second day of practice for the 500.

When asked if he would continue returning to Indy until he won the 500, he replied, "yeah, probably." It's all part of his plan to win the so-called Triple Crown of motorsport, a feat only accomplished by fellow F1 champion Graham Hill.

"The ultimate target and goal is to win this race, to win Le Mans, to win another Formula 1 world title," Alonso told Racer. "I'm lucky enough that I want to race the Indy 500 and the planets move, the stars move and I'm here. . .And in the future I'm sure that I want to do the 24 Hours of Le Mans and I'm sure I will find a seat there as well."


"So thanks to those big opportunities and the luck I have to be able to participate in those, winning is the next target. If I'm able to enjoy it [at Indy] and I'm able to have another opportunity, why not?"

That said, Alonso isn't yet thinking about making the move to racing in the US on a more regular basis. The Indy 500 is the main focus, for now.

"I want to experience the event and finish the event on Monday morning, sleep on it and try to see how it was," Alonso told Racer. "I want to see how the whole thing goes."

During this week's practice for the 500, Alonso has already shown strong pace among his rookie group. We're very interested to see how he does in qualifying this weekend.

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