
Ferrari Is Celebrating Its 70th Anniversary with 350 Special Edition Cars

From Road & Track

Almost 70 years ago in 1947, the first Ferrari rolled off the line. At the Paris Motor Show this October, the company plans to celebrate that fact. But how do you actually celebrate your 70th anniversary? If you're Ferrari, you build 350 special editions to show off.

AutoCar reports that Ferrari made the announcement to 100 owners and collectors in Venice last weekend.

"The whole team at Maranello went back through the 70-year history of the company and tried to identify the most iconic cars of the past in the history of the company, the most iconic exteriors, the most iconic interiors," Ferrari's marketing head Enrico Galliera told AutoCar.


With each of the company's five models getting 70 special editions inspired by those cars, Ferrari has its work cut out for it.

"This means we are going to be producing and delivering 350 unique pieces. Every single car will be unique," said Galliera.

The hardest part for Ferrari, however, is apparently deciding which owners and collectors get to buy which cars. Ferrari CEO Sergio Marchionne reportedly called it "the most difficult part of what I do."

He then added:

It is painful, it is something I wish I did not have to do, but it is required by the brand, and so if there is anyone in this audience here I might have mistreated in this process I apologize upfront. Just keep in mind these limited edition cars will come again and we will make sure we will remedy any wrong doings at that time.

Not getting the special-edition Ferrari you want is probably frustrating, but we have to admit, it sure sounds like a great problem to have.