
Florida Mom’s Only Fans Car Ad Gets Her Banned From Christian School

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Florida Mom’s Only Fans Car Ad Gets Her Banned From Christian School
Florida Mom’s Only Fans Car Ad Gets Her Banned From Christian School

A Florida mom is fighting back after her children’s private Christian school has banned her from the drop-off line thanks to an OnlyFans ad. It’s something nobody can miss considering the vinyl sticker spreads across the back window of the woman’s Dodge Durango, letting children and their parents know at the school just where to go to see all the intimate details about this mother.

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The mom says that she and her hubby have a “little wild behind closed doors lifestyle that we’ve now decided to share.” Imparting the intimate details of their relationship with strangers helps generate money for the family and this mother sees absolutely no problem advertising that everywhere she drives.


However, other mothers who have children at the school in Centra Florida told WPLG they’re definitely not fans of the ad and the message it sends to their kids. But the OnlyFans mother emphasized in her interview that she’s “not breaking the law” and pays taxes, while the money “provides a very comfortable way of life” for her family.

This woman, who obviously sees herself as a victim, was told to stop driving her car on campus if she wouldn’t remove the OnlyFans ad. She’s since been forced to drop her kids off across the street so they can walk the rest of the way to school. The mom now wants the school to send someone to help her children cross the street. We wonder why she can’t get out of her Dodge and do that herself?

Honestly, we can’t imagine this woman thought that advertising her OnlyFans at the drop-off line of a private Christian school would go well. After all, it’s not a public institution where perhaps her doing that might be protected (then again, we’re not attorneys so maybe it wouldn’t be). Instead, she doesn’t have to send her kids there and could go elsewhere if it’s that big of an issue.

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