
Ford Bronco Jumps Better Than The General Lee

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Unpopular opinion, but it’s true…

Ford Broncos that aren’t first-generation models get a lot of flak, and we all have OJ Simpson to thank for that. Ever since The Juice got loose and fled the law at low speed on the highway in California, tons of black and white police cars trailing like something out of a ridiculous movie scene, everyone wants to associate Ford’s off-roaders with that unfortunate situation. Thankfully, Mike Cox of Bronco Factory is doing the good work of showing how capable old Broncos can be… with the proper modifications, of course.

See a wrecked General Lee fly through the air once more here.


If you watch the included Hoonigan video, you’ll see this desert camo Bronco do some pretty big jumps and not break. Sadly, there were many, many Dodge Chargers absolutely wrecked doing jumps and other stunts during filming of The Dukes of Hazzard. While it’s not a popular opinion, this just goes to show Broncos are tougher.