
Ford F-150 Lightning Electric SuperTruck Looks Ready for Take-Off

ford f150 lightning supertruck on pavement
Ford Lightning SuperTruck Looks Ready for Take-OffFord
  • The Ford F-150 SuperTruck EV is scheduled to climb to the top of Pikes Peak during the 2024 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb.

  • Romain Dumas is scheduled to pilot this aerodynamic F-150 Lightning up the hill this month.

  • Ford says this SuperTruck with a giant wing generates 6,000 pounds of downforce at 150 mph.

Adding another to its list of absurd Super vehicles, Ford is unleashing the SuperTruck EV at the 2024 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb.

Based on Ford’s battery-electric F-150 Lightning pickup and officially dubbed by Ford a demonstrator vehicle, this wild pickup truck is expected to push the limits of battery-electric performance and relay that information to upcoming production vehicles.


As for this EV-advancing powertrain, Ford isn’t releasing the details just yet. However, it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see a similar powertrain package from the aptly named SuperVan EV 4.2.

Ford’s wild EV Van pushed 1,400 hp to the wheels from the three STARD 6-Phase electric motors. Regardless of what motor combination Ford is using to power the SuperTruck EV, you can expect plenty of oomph.

The visual star of this over-the-top pickup is the aero kit. Ford claims this aero package is good for 6,000 pounds of downforce at 150 mph. Judging by the massive rear wing and the similarly large front splitter, that figure passes the eyeball test.

massive wing on back of ford f150 lightning supertruck
The massive wing makes the Ford F-150 Lightning SuperTruck appear small.Ford

Piloting this wild pickup is none other than the current Pikes Peak record holder, Romain Dumas, who piloted the wild Volkswagen ID.R up Pikes Peak in only 07:57.148.

It’s hard to imagine that a Ford F-150 Lightning could dethrone Volkswagen’s race car, but we’ll know for sure by June 23.

How quickly do you think this Ford F-150 Lightning SuperTruck EV can climb Pikes Peak? Tell us your thoughts below.