
Ford teams with veterans' group Team Rubicon to provide natural disaster relief

Ford teams with veterans' group Team Rubicon to provide natural disaster relief

Ford is again joining forces with veteran-led disaster response outfit Team Rubicon to aid in disaster relief efforts, as the threat of natural disasters grows.

The new initiative, dubbed “Team Rubicon Powered by Ford,” will see Ford donate a fleet of special vehicles, as well as a $2.5 million grant via the Ford Fund to assist Team Rubicon’s deployment of employee volunteers in disaster hit areas in the US. Ford and Team Rubicon note that 90% of US counties experienced a federal climate disaster between 2011-2021, highlighting the need for increased support for organizations providing assistance during natural disasters.

The total investment by Ford will reach $5.8 million, taking its total financial commitment to Team Rubicon to $7 million.


“Ford's investment will immediately begin generating returns — before, during, and after — as disasters strike, materials and people will be transported into disaster areas,” said Art de la Cruz, Team Rubicon’s CEO in a statement to Yahoo Finance.

In terms of vehicles and services, Ford is donating the following to Team Rubicon’s assets on the ground: