
Gordon Ramsay Cooks Grilled Cheese with Aston Martin Valkyrie

gordon ramsay aston martin valkyrie grilled cheese
Gordon Ramsay Cooks Grilled Cheese with Valkyrie@gordonramsayofficial / TikTok

Back in 2021, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay was derided for cooking a lackluster grilled cheese sandwich. Ramsay has finally responded with a second shot at a simple grilled cheese and, somehow, his new cooking method is completely relevant to us here at Road & Track.

In a video posted to TikTok earlier this week, Ramsay's next attempt at cooking a grilled cheese is done on the race track. Not at a race track, but on it. Rather than use a griddle, Ramsay chose to melt the cheese on his sandwich with the engine bay of an ultra-expensive, ultra-rare Aston Martin Valkyrie.

After placing some cheese between bread, wrapping the sandwich in foil, and sticking it on top of the car's engine before shutting the engine bay, Ramsay gets to actually running laps on the track. Although the run is ostensibly only to heat up a sandwich, his dashboard readout flashes over 250, presumably 250 KMH or around 145 MPH. Given that the Valkyrie is just about the most extreme car with license plates ever made, that may just be what the car does on a 6/10ths run. The heat in the engine bay was enough to melt the cheese, proving that the Aston Martin hypercar has at least one other use.


While the feat of actually making a sandwich on a Cosworth V-12 is impressive, the cooking process here remains somewhat suspect. The bread seems to be toasted in advance on both sides, while the car is only helping to melt the cheese. That means the bread does not have the crispiness you're looking for in a proper sandwich, potentially failing in Ramsay's stated goal to right his 2021 wrongs and make a grilled cheese sandwich correctly. Whether or not the sandwich was any good, Ramsay found a great new excuse to take a hypercar out on track.

Via Jalopnik.

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