
Green school board approves purchase of new lab equipment for Smithville High School


Green Local Schools Board of Education

Regular session, March 28

KEY ACTION The board approved an equipment purchase for the updating of the Smithville High School science lab.

Previous meeting: Green Local Schools Board hears proposal for Smithville High School science lab upgrades

KEY DISCUSSION The board acted on a proposal made at the February board meeting, when physics teacher Danica Brunker made a presentation about redoing the lab to better prepare students for the scientific technology and resources they will use in college.

The total project, to be implemented over the summer and completed by the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, is expected to cost about $90,000.


The purchase will be funded with money from the curriculum budget and a grant from Schaeffler Transmission Systems.

Wilbur Berkey Fieldhouse to have work on HVAC system over the summer


The board heard other facilities updates, including work scheduled on the HVAC system at Wilbur Berkey Fieldhouse, which also will take place over the summer and be ready when school starts again in the fall.

In other facility news, Superintendent Dean Frank said the board is planning to put all of the district buses together on one property.

A building in Marshallville holds four buses, and 10 buses and a garage are located in previously rented space in Smithville, Frank said.

A few months ago, the district purchased the Smithville property from the Keith family and will build the new structure there.

"We would sell (the Marshallville property) to help fund the new structure," Frank said in an email.


1. Treasurer Erin VanMeter and members of the business and finance committee are planning to create a dashboard on the district website to better communicate financial information to the public, Frank said. The group is examining similar models on other district websites.

2. The board approved the purchase of a science curriculum for the high school from Vernier Software and Technology.

3. The board recognized wrestler Michael Harris for his sixth place finish in state competition.

Green Local Schools Board of Education supports Ohio House Bill 583 dealing with substitute teachers

4. The board gave its support to House Bill 583, which will extend the flexible guidelines in hiring substitute teachers.

5. Lindsey Welch, director of special education, gave the board a comprehensive update on special education.

6. Athletic department personnel, district administrators and coaches are planning a fundraiser to kick off the first week in April for the purchase of new equipment in the weight room.

7. A survey will be distributed in May to students. teachers, staff and parents to evaluate areas in which the district is doing well and also identify areas in which it can improve.

8. The board considered adding a middle school golf club which could start as early as next year.


Regular session of the board, April 18, 6:30 p.m., Wilbur Berkey Fieldhouse, 100 Smithie Drive, Smithville

This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: Smithville High School to receive new lab equipment