
Guy Drives NASCAR Race Car To McDonald’s

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If you have to ask why, you don’t get it…

YouTuber TheStradman, a guy who lives outside Park City, Utah and admittedly has quite the nice collection of cars, recently acquired Rusty Wallace’s retired NASCAR stock car. For whatever reason he had the race car at his house of all places, but needed to get it to his storage facility in Utah County. While most people would do the sensible thing and load a non-street-legal race car onto a trailer, then tow it to the destination, TheStradman decided to drive it there. Oh yeah, and he also stopped by McDonald’s since he had the munchies.


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Considering how heavily Utah Highway Patrol travels on 1-80 through Parley’s Canyon (I know this from personal experience) and every other major canyon in the Wasatch Range, this is a pretty bold move. That and he really struggles with the clutch, because this thing ain’t no Miata.