
Here's How Dramatically F1 Racing Games Have Changed Over 40 Years

From Road & Track

Racing simulators have been around for almost the entire history of video games, which makes for a fascinating retrospective when you chart their evolution. This video traces the entire history of F1 racing games, from Atari's 1976 F-1, all the way up to Codemasters' F1 2015. The basic principle of these games has been maintained through the years, but the technology has changed dramatically.

Each game feels like a dramatic leap forward over its predecessor. With such incredible progress that doesn't seem to end, one has to wonder where F1 games will head in the future.


Interestingly, the evolution of F1 games seems to follow the evolution of real-life F1 cars. In 1976, you had experimentation with aerodynamics and new chassis technology, but the cars were fairly basic. In 2015, F1 cars are easily the most advanced racers on the planet.

Of course, both the games and cars represented bleeding-edge technology for the time, but there's been a dramatic shift over the last 40 years.

via Digg

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