
Here's How Long a Car Will Last If You Drive It With No Oil

Photo credit: Car Throttle / YouTube
Photo credit: Car Throttle / YouTube

From Road & Track

Last week, we showed you how long a car's engine would last if you replaced all its oil with Coca-Cola. Continuing with the theme of Dumb Things You Shouldn't Try at Home, we now bring you a video of a car running around with no oil whatsoever. It's a silly video for sure, but it's actually quite instructive.

The dudes at Car Throttle managed to get 17 minutes out of their £200 ($245 USD) Mercedes C180 before the engine exploded in a cloud of smoke. It's worth noting too, that those 17 minutes were spent thrashing around a race track, so the results could have been different if real-world conditions were simulated. In any case, an engine without oil won't last very long, since it will get hot and essentially, weld itself shut.


This video also underscores the importance of proper lubrication in general–it's not just enough for your car to have oil in the sump, the oil needs to be top-quality, and ideally, synthetic.

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