
The Honda Motocompacto Is the Cutest, Coolest EV Scooter

honda motocompacto scooter
The Honda Motocompacto Is the Coolest EV ScooterHonda

Fans of the Honda Motocompo, your day has come. After a groundswell of enthusiast love for the JDM compact folding scooter of the Radwood Era, Honda has launched a new, all-electric folding scooter inspired by it. It's called the Motocompacto, it looks sensational, and it costs $995.

The 41.3-lb scooter can fold down to be just 3.7 inches wide, 21.1 inches tall, and 29.2 inches long. It's tidy enough to be thrown into a trunk or brought on public transit, with a built-in carry handle. When you get close to your destination, the Motocompacto is designed to fold out and function as a last-mile solution. With 12 miles of all-electric range and a top speed of 15 mph, it's a simple, small e-bike alternative suitable for riders up to 265 lbs. Drain the battery and it'll recharge in 3.5 hours on a standard 110-volt plug.

honda motocompacto scooter
We admit it’s dorky. But that’s what makes it so lovable. AHM CREATIVE SERVICES MIRO

More importantly, it is absolutely adorable. Tesla proved long ago that more sustainable transportation options only take off when they can actually get people excited, and the Motocompacto's cute, boxy design and tan accents give it a real personality. It looks goofy and different from other scooters, but leans into that, with Honda touting its slab-sided design as the perfect canvas for stickers, decals, and custom logos.

honda motocompacto scooter
The lil guy all folded up.Honda

Best of all, though, it's affordable. At $995, it's cheaper than most e-bikes. Many of them offer higher top speeds or better range, but this is a genuinely solid option for first- and last-mile transit. And though the original Motocompo wasn't sold in America, this throwback scooter was designed and developed here, for the American market. Participating Honda and Acura dealers should have Motocompactos for sale this November.

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