
Hundreds of Car Enthusiasts Help Recover Man’s Stolen Honda Prelude

stolen honda prelude
Car Enthusiasts Help Recover Man’s Stolen PreludeSébastien Michaud / Facebook

Sébastien Michaud had his beloved 1992 Honda Prelude stolen from his home in New Brunswick, Canada on October 27, CBC News reports. Police offered little hope of it ever being found. But thanks to the power of social media and fellow car enthusiasts, Michaud got his car back less than a month later.

Michaud told CBC he was only 11 years old when he first laid eyes on the 1992 Honda Prelude. Yet he knew at that moment that he would have to own one. In 2006, that dream came true when he bought his blue Prelude. It was his forever car that he never planned to part with. Unfortunately, a car thief had other ideas, and stole the car from Michaud’s driveway. Local police said the "odds were slim" of it being found. However, they clearly underestimated the power of the car enthusiast community.

Michaud posted the story of his stolen car on Facebook, and his post was shared hundreds of times. Now hundreds of auto enthusiasts were on the lookout for the stolen car. Many of these people didn’t know Michaud personally. They just knew that a fellow car enthusiast was robbed of his pride and joy, and they wanted to help.


The unique blue Prelude was spotted multiple times across three Canadian provinces. Eventually, the car was spotted at a gas station in Aulac, N.B. Security camera footage showed the driver’s face, and his Facebook account was soon discovered. Social media pressure then began to ramp up and the car was found by police abandoned on the side of the road. The thief is still on the run.

Unfortunately, the car suffered about $5,000 in damage, Michaud said. The door handles are destroyed, and the ignition is in pieces. But that is not deterring Michaud. He plans to repair the car and will never again leave it unattended in his driveway.

To many, a car is simply a transportation device. But to a car enthusiast, it is part of the family. When Michaud first drove his car after it was recovered, he said he almost cried because he was so happy to be reunited with his Prelude again. Car enthusiasts understand that feeling, and they stick together.

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