
I'm a tattoo artist sharing the 9 biggest mistakes first-time clients make

I'm a tattoo artist sharing the 9 biggest mistakes first-time clients make
  • After working as a tattoo artist for two years, I've seen first-time clients make common mistakes.

  • You should bring something to entertain yourself and ask for breaks when you need them.

  • Prepare your skin for tattooing ahead of your appointment, but don't apply numbing cream.

Getting your first tattoo can be daunting. To have a smoother experience, it's best to research the process, shop, artist, and aftercare procedure ahead of time.

But as a professional tattoo artist of two years, there are still common mistakes I see first-time clients make.

Prepare your skin for the tattoo

Think of your skin as a canvas for your tattoo – if it's smooth and hydrated, it'll take the ink more easily, resulting in better-healed results.


To best prep the skin, start by moisturizing the area for a couple of weeks prior to your appointment. Also, be mindful to drink plenty of water and avoid anything that might irritate your skin.

Never ask for an exact copy of another artist's original design

A picture of a tattoo of a colorful bowl of ramen
Artists can spend hours designing tattoos for their clients.Alissa Jung

Asking for a copy of an artist's original design is the same as stealing their artwork.

Many custom-tattoo artists spend hours designing a piece specifically for their client and inking it only once. So this request is disrespectful to the original artist, as well as the client, who paid for a tattoo they thought would be individual.

Instead, find a tattooer whose work you love and trust them to design a custom piece for you. It's OK to use another's work as a reference to give them an idea of what you're looking for.

On the other hand, certain flash designs, references from pop culture, or famous artwork can be replicated.

Ask your artist before using numbing cream

Your first tattoo can be very nerve-racking, so I understand wanting to use topical numbing cream, but it can leave the skin in a rubbery or leather-like state, making it harder to tattoo and heal.

Every artist has their own thoughts on numbing cream — some use Bactine to help numb the skin throughout — so make sure to ask before applying it.

Bring something to do

The writer tattooing a client on their leg while the client reads a book
You're welcome to bring a book or headphones.Alissa Jung

Many first-time clients don't realize you can bring things to pass the time. It's helpful to have something to distract yourself, especially for tattoos that can take a few hours.

I suggest bringing headphones and downloading something to watch, listening to music, or packing a book to read.

Some clients prefer to bring a friend or talk to the artist, but it's best to ask before the appointment since shops have different rules for guests and artists have different preferences on how they work. Some love to chat, but others prefer to silently concentrate.