
Indy 500 Is on NASCAR Cup driver Austin Cindric's To-Do List

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Austin Cindric Wants His Shot at Indianapolis 500Icon Sportswire - Getty Images

Austin Cindric is only in his sophomore season in NASCAR’s Cup Series, but the son of Team Penske president Tim Cindric knows he wants to one day compete in the Indianapolis 500.

“I don’t really see (my) racing career complete for me without having an opportunity to do that race,” Cindric said. “Obviously, I’m 24 years old and hopefully, the completion of my racing career doesn’t happen anytime soon.

“I’m very focused on what I’m doing in the Cup Series garage, certainly want to get as good as I can and contend for championships and wins in this garage area. That’s where my focus is right now, but somewhere later down the road, it’s something I would want to do for sure.”


Cindric’s father was the race strategist for this year’s Indianapolis 500 winner Josef Newgarden. His grandfather Jim Trueman owned Truesports Racing and fielded the car that Bobby Rahal drove to victory in the 1986 Indianapolis 500.

The younger Cindric attended the Indianapolis 500 every year with his family until he began driving full time in NASCAR’s Cup Series.