
IndyCar staying patient with Motorsport Games amid issues

The NTT IndyCar Series continues to practice patience with Motorsport Games, its chosen partner for a new video game for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC platforms that was announced in July of 2021. An update provided by the series in March spoke to the myriad problems being experienced by the game developer and the unsure future of the game’s release.

In a new update offered by Penske Entertainment CEO Mark Miles, the owners of IndyCar and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway remain hopeful the company will deliver a product for its fans while being prepared to react if it does not reach the finish line.

“It’s still not clear how it will end,” Miles told RACER. “I think a lot of really good work has been done with the current partner, Motorsports Games. They’ve put a lot into it. We’ve seen evidence of how it looks. It’s amazing.

Motorsport Games has faced some well-publicised difficulties. Motorsport Images


“But they are struggling to have the resources to finish the job. So they’re working on other ways that other partnerships could be established to help them get it done. Whether that will play out successfully or not remains to be seen.”

Miles says the same timeline for knowing whether the game will proceed is unchanged.

“I think it’ll be clear by the end of the year,” he added. “One of the reasons they desperately want to finish it is they think that it is essentially a breakthrough technology in the market and will have relevance in other sports.”

Story originally appeared on Racer