
Insurance Companies Not Covering Range Rovers In London

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You could say they’re really hot SUVs…

Similar to how some insurance companies are refusing coverage to Kias and Hyundais in different sections of the United States, insurers are reportedly doing the same for Range Rovers located in London. Like the cheap South Korean cars here, Range Rovers are super popular theft targets in London, a problem that’s been growing for years.

See the latest Kia and Hyundai are doing about car theft here.

According to UK automotive site Autocar, even if a London-based Range Rover owner can find an insurance carrier which will provide coverage, the premiums are obnoxiously steep. Considering 2022 Range Rovers are the second most-stolen vehicle in London, we can certainly understand why some insurance firms don’t want to cover them.


Apparently, some Range Rover owners in London are seeing their premiums almost triple in no time. That would be enough to make us consider either selling our vehicle or moving to a less crime-ridden area.

Land Rover apparently used to offer insurance to customers in the UK, however Autocar says that practice has been discontinued since the beginning of November 2022. However, the automaker says “an exciting new insurance proposition” is in the works, which sounds ominous in light of what’s going on.

Some might consider this poetic justice considering quite a few Range Rover owners both in the UK and elsewhere have been insufferable in a number of ways. However, we know this sort of thing can ripple through the market as a growing number of car models become essentially uninsurable. That’s not great news for anyone.

It’s almost like not aggressively prosecuting car thefts both in the UK and here in North America comes with a societal cost. The old excuse repeated during the modern summer of love that it doesn’t matter if private property is stolen or vandalized because it’s all insured anyway sure is ringing hollow these days.

Source: Autocar

Image via Jaguar Land Rover

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