
Jay Leno Proves He’s a Viper Enthusiast

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Mopar or no car?

Many car enthusiasts absolutely worship at the feet of Jay Leno and religiously follow Jay Leno’s Garage. However, a recent episode featured the comedian talking about his very own 1996 Dodge Viper GTS, causing diehard Corvette fans and Ford GT owners to spin their heads while spewing pea soup out of their mouths. We’re totally joking: you can like all three cars and that’s great. But this little episode which we’ve attached to this article for your viewing enjoyment seems to have triggered more than a few people.

Admittedly, when you’re as famous as Leno you’re just going to attract trolls – we know that well enough. But, for some the Big Three rivalry is life and can never, ever be set aside. Why can’t we call just be happy America makes sports cars which embarrass the Europeans? That should be absolutely unifying, everyone.