
The Latest Zamboni Was Penned by Pininfarina

zamboni zx5 by pininfarina studio shots
The Latest Zamboni Was Penned by PininfarinaZamboni

Pininfarina will forever be associated with beautiful, low-slung Italian sports cars. That is not all that the design house has created, however. You might find the Pininfarina name on everything from private jets to soda machines. The brand shared its latest project with us at the FSB 2023 Trade Fair in Cologne, Germany on Monday, and it’s definitely not something you’d expect. Meet the Zamboni ZX5, perhaps the coolest ice resurfacer on Earth.

If you’ve ever been to a professional hockey game or skating rink, you’re familiar with an ice resurfacer, or a Zamboni as they are colloquially known. That moniker exists because Frank Zamboni created the very first ice-resurfacing machines back in the late 1940s. The Zamboni would go on to become a staple of winter sports facilities across the world, with the original brand still standing as a leader to this day. When it came time for the brand to release its latest all-electric machines, it wanted to make something special. Joining forces with Pininfarina seemed like a natural fit, as Zamboni and his family had emigrated from Italy. The ZX5 is also the first Zamboni product to be designed by a third-party outfit, which is fitting for a Pininfarina project.

zamboni zx5 by pininfarina rear view

The new model features a more futuristic take on the classic Zamboni design, but there are still recognizable features from the iconic 500 Series machines that we all know and love. The general shape is still basically a rectangle on wheels, but Pininfarina has done wonders with the detail work. The two-tone paint with beveled edges is also a great touch, though that’s nothing new for the Zamboni brand. While it's unlikely many have gone as far as to call a Zamboni a good-looking machine before, I think this particular unit might be the best of the bunch. Of course, we’d love to see what Pininfarina could do to one of these ice resurfacers if utility wasn’t the first priority.

zamboni zx5 by pininfarina top three quarter view

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