
This Lego Defender 90 Is the Cheapest Way to Get a Vintage Land Rover

Lego Land Rover Defender 90
Lego Land Rover Defender 90

The current Land Rover Defender is nicely designed, comfortable, incredibly capable off-road and can be ordered with a 518-hp V8. And yet, it just doesn’t have the same charm as the Defender it replaced. There’s just something special about the classic design. But if you can’t justify buying a bare-bones off-roader with questionable-at-best reliability, maybe this Lego Land Rover Defender 90 set will be more your speed.

In case you missed it:


To be clear, though, this set isn’t going to be cheap. It costs $239.99, which isn’t exactly Lego Millennium Falcon money, but it’s also not something you’ll probably pick up for your kid’s classmate’s birthday party. Unless you just happen to be that kind of generous. In that case, hell yeah, and thank you for spreading the Lego love.

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Lego Land Rover Defender 90
Lego Land Rover Defender 90