
Lincoln wants to be at your beck and call with 'Chauffeur' service

Motor Authority

Lincoln is experimenting with a program to offer owners and lessees a taste of the finer things in life as it begins testing its latest service simply called "Lincoln Chauffeur." As the name implies, the program allows Lincoln drivers to become the driven with a personal driver and shopping assistant.

The brand states it has worked with a third party to train chauffeurs and prepare them to wine and dine the owner with whatever is deemed necessary. Want to look good for your date? Have the driver deliver you in style while relaxing in the rear seat of your Continental. Do the kids need to be picked up from school? Your chauffeur can skedaddle on down to the school in your Navigator. The options are pretty endless.

It's a generous service, too. Lincoln will allow eight hours of Chauffeur to give owners a taste of the lifestyle of the rich and famous. After that, the marque plans to charge $30 for every extra hour the driver is needed.

Lincoln is simply testing the new program right now and the service is only available in Miami, Florida. However, after Miami, the brand plans to launch Lincoln Chauffeur in San Diego, California, to continue ironing out any wrinkles that may present themselves along the way. Plans for a nationwide launch have not been discussed at this time.


We suppose there will always be those who simply cannot stand time behind the wheel. For those consumers, Lincoln may really have something for you here. You'll just need to be cool with a stranger behind the wheel of your car.


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