
London’s Millionaires Actually Used Their Supercars For Good

A gif showing a Plymouth Prowler driving through London.
A gif showing a Plymouth Prowler driving through London.

Nothing says clean air like a Plymouth Prowler.

If you’re ever driving into London in the UK, there are a few things you need to watch out for on the way in. First, there’s the Congestion Charge that you’ll have to pay if you go to the city center, then there’s the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) fees that were expanded last month to cover the majority of the UK capital. Now, an armada of rich people armed with their shiniest supercars have swarmed London to protest that expansion and highlight some of its shortcomings.

The ULEZ has been controversial among drivers in the capital since it was expanded to cover every borough as well as the City of London. Its expansion means that thousands of motorists will need to pay an extra £12.50 (about $16) per day if they want to drive into the city, as well as the £15 it costs for the Congestion Charge in the center.


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It should come as no surprise then that people are a little mystified at the various exemptions on offer to drivers in the UK capital. To highlight some of the more left-field models that are exempt from paying the $16 fee, London’s rich people assembled to drive their Lamborghinis, Mustangs and even a Plymouth Prowler into the city.

According to Autoevolution, the armada of supercars that descended on the city was part of a protest organized by Ciro Ciampi, the founder of the Petrolheadonism Club. The protest saw drivers parade their cars from Regents Park to Downing Street, as Autoevolution reports: