
Man steals truck carrying 10 new Corvettes, says he needed a ride home

Man steals truck carrying 10 new Corvettes, says he needed a ride home

There are several ways to get home if you don't have a car: asking a friend or a relative to pick you up, calling a cab, or even hitchhiking. One man seemingly exhausted plans A through Y and went straight to plan Z: stealing a semi truck carrying new Chevrolet Corvettes.

Law enforcement officials in Cochise County, Arizona, say 23-year-old Isaiah Walker of Lawton, Oklahoma, stole the Volvo semi and its load of 10 new Corvette models from the Willcox Loves Truck Stop off of I-10. They say that Walker started asking the truck driver questions about the cars he was carrying to earn his trust and then threw him out of the cab as he began stepping up. He then drove off and headed north.