
Maybe Don’t Lane Split Going 170 MPH

Gixxer brah
Gixxer brah

I can't stress enough how bad of an idea it is to go lane splitting on a bike at 170 mph through dense highway traffic. However, that's exactly what YouTuber Gixxer brah did in a recent video, as he attempted to get from Colorado Springs to Denver in a record time.

Let's forget the fact that lane splitting is illegal in Colorado, as the "brah" wasn't considering any local laws during this run. Had Gixxer brah been busted by police, lane splitting would have been the least of his legal worries. The real problem was doing it at almost 200 mph.

At 170 mph, you're traveling 249 feet-per-second, which means you cross an entire NFL football field in just over a second. That just doesn't give anyone enough time to react to any sudden movements from any other cars. So if one of the countless cars he passed tried changing lanes or simply slid over in their own lane unexpectedly, the Gixxer brah would have met a very quick end.\u0026t=30s