
McLaren offers loaner engines for F1 owners

Motor Authority

When you're getting your vehicle serviced, you may have to say goodbye to it for a few days. If that's the case, we hope you have the fortune of receiving a loaner vehicle from the dealership. This is your new friend for a few days, and it should be adequate enough to get you around until you're back in the seat of your main machine. If you have a McLaren F1 that needs its engine rebuilt, you may suffer no such nonsense as vehicle downtime.

When it's time to bring your multi-million dollar road car in for engine-out servicing, the folks at Woking have a spare engine waiting for its chance to come out and play. MSO maintains a handful of spare engines, and one of those is used as a loaner. Your original engine goes in to get its proper care and you can continue to enjoy your F1.

Once the work on your engine is complete, you head back in to the shop and your original engine is swapped back into its home. Now you have a fresh BMW V-12 to go play with once more.

Of course, it's not all as easy as that, and it doesn't apply to the lucky few who own the cars in the U.S. However, McLaren will work with British and other European owners who may have had an engine failure and need their cars for an important road rally or other pressing event. Most U.S. customers will have to send their cars all the way to Woking to get the work done.


If other exclusive exotic car manufacturers don't already offer this service, perhaps we might see a few extra engines run down the production line in the near future. After all, you've paid a hefty price to enjoy your pride and joy. McLaren knows you want to continue driving it, and you can do just that even when your original engine needs a full rebuild.


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