
McLaren Is Planning an All-Electric Sedan or SUV

2023 mclaren artura
McLaren Is Planning an All-Electric Sedan or SUVPatrick GOSLING - Hearst Owned

McLaren is a supercar builder that's said in the past it will never build an SUV. As far as newly appointed CEO Michael Leiters is concerned, however, there may be a space in the British carmaker's lineup for an electric "utility" vehicle that can fit more than two people, Evo reports.

Speaking with the U.K. publication on McLaren's transition into the electric era, Leiters says the tech isn't advanced enough to tackle a full-blown EV supercar just yet. Instead, he wants to focus on more civilized vehicles.

“The technology is much more mature [and allows us to] customize it to have a more lifestyle, a more utility purpose," Leiters told Evo, as reported by sister publication Auto Express.


“Words like "utility" or "lifestyle," you’ll obviously leap to certain conclusions," Leiters continued. "I think the key measure for McLaren is potentially something with the ability to share with more occupants in the car. Not necessarily higher-riding, but it could be.”

Leiters also wants McLaren's first EV to be exclusive, meaning a price tag of over $230,000, according to Auto Express. "We need to focus on profitability, not volume,” Leiters said.

Auto Express goes on to suggest McLaren will need to partner with a larger automaker so it can gain access to key technologies for producing a high-performance EV. BMW is the first that comes to mind, as it assisted McLaren with the development of the Artura, the brand's first hybrid. That's just speculation at this point, however.

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