
This Might Be the Highest-Mileage BMW M5 on the Planet

Photo credit: E39Source - YouTube
Photo credit: E39Source - YouTube

High-mileage enthusiast cars are cool. Seeing owners actually drive their fun cars as much as they possibly can holds a soft spot in our hearts. The whole reason I'm able to own the project cars I own is because the previous owners drove the snot out of them and put so many miles on the clock. That's why we're so impressed by this half-million-mile BMW M5.

The E39Source YouTube channel recently spotted this 2002 E39-generation Sterling Grey M5 which, at first glance, looks like any other M5 you'd see at your local BMW meet. The paint looks to be in fairly good condition, while the caramel interior is in fine shape. The only reason the hood is off is because it's getting a bit of work done to it. The only surprise comes when the cameraperson goes to look at the odometer, where it reads 542,500 miles. Incredible.

Photo credit: E39Source - YouTube
Photo credit: E39Source - YouTube

The owner claims the engine has never been opened, meaning the piston rings, head gaskets, and all of the engine's internal seals are as they were when they left the factory a decade ago. Even more shocking is the owner's claim that the plastic timing chain guides are original. The S62's timing chain guides are known to fail, so we find that incredibly hard to believe. If it is true, then this M5 has truly stood the test of time (and miles).


The car is located in central Texas, where everything is nice and spread out. That should explain why the car has so many miles on the clock. Though E39Source doesn't reveal the reason for the high mileage, it's safe to assume the owner either has an extra-long commute or has to drive long distances for work. Or they just really, really like driving their M5 for fun. We don't blame them.

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