
Missed Pebble? Check Out these Official Videos of Pebble Beach

Photo credit: Rolex/Tom O'Neal
Photo credit: Rolex/Tom O'Neal
  • Two new videos from Pebble Beach are out and you can see them here.

  • One covers the Tour, a long drive for the cars in the Concours held on the Thursday before the show, and another on the Concours itself.

  • Both make for good viewing whether you made the show this year or not.

Pebble Beach and all its glory came and went a week ago. Maybe you were there, maybe you weren't. But the official videos from the Concours are out now and they're well worth a gander. Click above to see the Tour d'Elegance, in which probably more than half the cars from the Concours loop around 17-Mile Drive and head down south on Highway 1 all the way to Big Sur and back, just to prove to any naysayers and doubters that these are not trailer queens, but real, live drivers. Almost all of them make it the whole way without a problem. The few that experience a mechanical hiccup or two eventually make it back to the Equestrian Center up above the Lodge, where their mechanics mend them back to health for the big show on Sunday.


Speaking of the big show on Sunday, click here to see a video that succinctly encapsulates the glory that is the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, what may be the greatest Concours with the greatest cars on Earth. Click on the link and judge for yourself.

And start planning for next year!