
The Ferrari LaFerrari Hybrid Can Run Only On Electricity: Video Proves It

The Ferrari LaFerrari supercar may be a hybrid, but Ferrari claims it isn't meant to be particularly green.

The hybrid powertain was primarily designed to improve performance, which is why the Italian carmaker has been adamant that the LaFerrari doesn't have an all-electric mode.

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However, a new video of a LaFerrari being put through its paces at a European track day event seems to dispute that.

Ferrari LaFerrari, 2013 Geneva Motor Show
Ferrari LaFerrari, 2013 Geneva Motor Show

The short video, posted by YouTube user CarloDelucis (via Jalopnik), shows a LaFerrari silently driving through a garage.


The black supercar turns a corner before its 6.3-liter V-12 engine fires up, not a sound that would be easily missed or ignored.

So perhaps the LaFerrari can drive on electric power alone, but why would Ferrari say otherwise?

It's possible the car is capable of propelling itself solely with electricity, but only for short distances or under very specific circumstances--such as puttering around a garage at very low speeds.