
Hydrogen Fuel Now Available For Sale In California

The small number of drivers with hydrogen fuel-cell cars in California are now able to purchase their fuel.

The Cal State L.A. Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility is now the first fueling station to sell hydrogen, rather than giving it away for free.

SEE ALSO: Why Is Hydrogen Free To Fuel-Cell Car Drivers? Pumps Are The Problem

It recently passed a state performance evaluation for certifying new hydrogen fueling stations--receiving a certification known as California Type Approval that allows it to sell hydrogen by the kilogram.

Until now, all hydrogen was provided to fuel-cell vehicle owners for free, because of the lack of an accurate metering system.

2016 Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel-cell car, Newport Beach, CA, Nov 2014
2016 Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel-cell car, Newport Beach, CA, Nov 2014

With no way to measure how much hydrogen is being dispensed, there hasn't been a way to charge customers until now.


In contrast to gasoline pumps--which have become more accurate thanks to the increased scrutiny brought on by thousands of transactions over the years--there hasn't been a need to accurately meter hydrogen because of the small number of vehicles on the road.

DON'T MISS: Hydrogen Stations In California: How Many Needed As Fuel-Cell Cars Arrive?