
NYC driver escapes with minor injuries as crane crushes car

NYC driver escapes with minor injuries as crane crushes car

It’s not hard to find all manner of “that looked expensive” construction equipment failure videos online, and many times it’s a stretch to believe anyone could survive what often look like total disasters. One New York woman found herself on the business end of such a failure earlier this week when a construction crane collapsed, crushing her Ford Focus hatchback.

Danielle Cruz was waiting at a traffic light on Tuesday when a boom crane arm snapped and came down on her car. Film of the incident is clear and dramatic, and makes it appear that the car is completely smashed in front. Cruz had stopped in the exact right spot to avoid death, it seems, because she escaped with only a minor hand injury and a cut lip. FDNY Deputy Assistant Chief John Sarracco told ABC7  that she was “going to be just fine.”