
23 Horrible Maids Of Honor And Best Men Who Should've Been Uninvited From The Wedding

Recently, we asked the members of the BuzzFeed Community to share the worst things the Maid of Honor or Best Man did at a wedding. Here are some of the wildest.*

With a few from these three Reddit threads.

1."Wedding for my second cousin (the bride). The Best Man was absolutely wasted and was giving his speech. About halfway through, he says the bride's name and looks at her and loses his train of thought and just goes, 'God, you're just so sexy, I wish I would've fucked you first.'"


2."We did a simple and inexpensive wedding with family and friends. I did not have a good relationship with my older sister, but wanted to extend the olive branch. Worst mistake I ever made. She pulled her typical spoiled brat behavior because she wasn't the center of attention. She told my husband, 'The only reason you are marrying her is because you haven't fucked me.' She promptly was dropped off at the airport."


character saying, i want you to understand something, as far as I'm concerned our friendship is over
The WB

3."Two of the best men went to college with the groom. It turns out all three experimented with each other. The two groomsmen hooked up the night before the wedding and were walked in on by one of their children."

"Thankfully the child was only six and the men were able to twist the story around when the six-year-old went around saying, 'I saw Daddy and Jimmy kissing naked in the hot room at the gym.' (The kid didn’t know what a sauna was.)"



4."The best man was a little too drunk. But you know when some people get drunk they 'spill the beans'? Well, he did. ... The best man staggers up saying how beautiful the bride looks and was nice enough with those remarks. He then said she'd have trouble with the groom in bed because he has a micro penis. He then starts yelling, 'MICRO PENIS, MICRO PENIS!!!' while being dragged off by his mates."

"The groom slumped his head into his hands out of utter embarrassment and had actual tears. Obviously, something he's had to deal with his entire life. His wife got up, sobbing, and ran out. We sat at our table thinking that after not even 24 hours, this marriage was over. Turns out this couple had both been saving themselves for this marriage, too. I felt horrible for the both of them.

Almost 10 years later they are still married, have two awesome kids and are very happy together. Turns out she didn't care at the end of the day and that he makes her very happy (in the sack) or so they say jokingly whenever we catch up with them. Still, most awkward thing I've ever seen at a wedding."


5."I worked weddings for a living and once saw the best man get loaded, give a speech, and profess his love of the bride and how they had slept together two nights before. Open bar: 1, Best Man: 0."


character saying, i love you beth cooper while beth's partner stands nearby
20th Century Fox

6."The friend of a girlfriend of mine was getting married to the most obnoxious, drunk, douche ever. Anyway, at the reception all was going well when the best man decided to do his toast. He was already drunk at the ceremony so he's completely plastered now. I'll give you the gist of his beautiful message: 'First I want to thank fucking Father um, what the fuck's his name? Yeah, you father down there! Anyway, Dave, I remember when we'd go out all night and take chicks home and fuck 'em. It's all over now. Only one bitch from now on. You could cheat though I guess. Anyway, happy fucking marriage!'"

"Groom thought this was very funny. Whole place was crickets except for the groomsmen, who were lining up to give their speech as well. Mic turned off, music turned up...Divorced a few months later."


7."At my cousin's wedding, her maid-of-honor was a complete and utter mess who said she wasn't going to give a speech, then drank a bunch and insisted on it. She stood up and opened up her phone to the 'notes' section and just started reading down this list of memories and then going off on tangents and then going back to the phone and saying 'Whoops! lost my place. Where was I?' And her stories were AWFUL.

"They were about how she loved my cousin so much and hated the guy she married and how she thought he'd ruin their friendship, but she learned to tolerate him. It went on and on until one of my aunts started clinking her fork against her glass to get her to shut up and everyone started doing it and the DJ had to come and turn off the microphone. So this girl sits down, crying, and opens her little purse and pulls out one of those GIANT vape pens and takes a big pull and then just chucks a massive cloud in the face of the groom. It was amazing."


8."This happened at my close friend’s wedding years ago, but I know she’s still upset about it. One of her bridesmaids made a really racist comment about Black people in her speech (I’m still not sure how she got on that topic). ... There was a huge gasp, and the bride and groom were very upset and absolutely mortified. The bridesmaid still thinks she nailed the speech."

"I’ve tolerated her for the sake of my friend for the most part, but I still think the bridesmaid is a narcissist piece of work who doesn’t treat my friend kindly — and I’ve noticed that the happier my friend is, the worse this girl is towards her (saying nasty or mean-girl passive aggressive things 'as a joke' in front of others, leaving her out of plans and then going out of her way to talk about them in front of her…)."


9."The M.O.H jumped up on the table and flashed everyone. Then they pushed the cake off the table."


character destroying a giant cooking while yelling, is this what you want, lillian?
Universal Pictures

10."During the best man speech, the best man proposed to the maid of honor. Totally stole the night from the bride and groom. Now the best man and maid of honor are in the process of divorcing."

"The bride and groom DID NOT know this was going to happen. No one did."


11."In 1989 my twin sister and Maid of Honor left the night before my wedding to go back to FL (my wedding was in MA) with our birth mother (who we both had a challenging relationship with). All she had to do was show up; I took care of everything else. Ruined my wedding. Who does this to their sister?"

"Years later I tried to reconcile with her, forgive and forget. She asked me to be in her wedding. I looked at her and asked her if she thought I'd show up...

I did."