The Phantom Phreak? The King Of Nynex?
Video games have all sorts of helpful cheat codes. Infinite life, maximum money, turning your head really big. It’s easy to wonder what those would be like in real life, but one Nebraska woman did more than just wonder — she found a cheat code for free gas that saved her $28,000.
This got all of you wondering what other real-world cheat codes may exist, which in turn jogged Cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest’s memory of his old phreaking days.
Some people say they were born in the wrong generation because they never saw Led Zeppelin live, but the only thing that really makes me pine for earlier days is all the vintage hacking that we just don’t get any more. Phone booth phreaking! Wardialing for BBSes! Sure, we’ve got Telehack now, but it’s not the same. Maybe, if I lived sometime in the early ‘90s, I would’ve actually finished that computing security degree instead of switching into marketing.
Congratulations, Cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest, on your Comment Of The Day win. Here’s a track for your next social engineering exploit on a local TV station.