
Top ethical tourism destinations, 2013

Every year, Ethical Traveler reviews the policies and practices of hundreds of nations in the developing world. It then selects ten that are doing the most impressive job of promoting human rights, preserving environment, and upholding civil society while creating a sustainable, community-based tourism industry.

By visiting these countries, Ethical Traveler asserts, we can use our economic power to support best practices. Each country selected as a Best Ethical Destination offers the opportunity to experience unspoiled natural beauty, and to interact with local people and cultures in a meaningful, mutually enriching way. The countries on this list are actively improving the state of their people, government and environment. They are the destinations most worth your money and your leisure time.

Ethical Traveler is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, and a project of the Earth Island Institute. No money or donations of any kind are solicited or accepted from any nations, governments, travel bureaus or individuals in the creation of its annual list.