
Picking Up a Brand-New McLaren F1 Was An Incredible Experience

Photo credit: Dan Kennedy / YouTube
Photo credit: Dan Kennedy / YouTube

From Road & Track

Unless someone is old enough to remember the McLaren F1 when it was new, it's hard to explain just how incredible of a car it was. The F1 destroyed previous top speed records for production cars and is still considered one of the greatest performance cars of all time. There were also only 106 ever built, which meant only a lucky few ever got to own one.

But facts and figures can never quite capture how special a car like the F1 was. Instead, why not watch the video below. Originally posted on Reddit, it shows a couple taking delivery of their very own McLaren F1, and it's incredible.


It has everything you love about old home movies, including outdated fashion, awkward zooming, and terrible video quality. But it's also a great reminder of how much times have changed. The buyer may have read some pamphlets and a few magazine articles, but without high-speed internet, there was no way to read up on every little detail, watch video reviews, or get more than a few opinions on a purchase.

But that lack of familiarity is part of what makes this video so great. He's legitimately blown away by the car. And since so many of the features are foreign to him, he ends up asking question after question, even if some of them sound obvious to us.

Then, of course, there's his wife's reaction. Let's just say it sounds like she really liked the car, too.

via Jalopnik

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