
Pink Corvettes Surge in Popularity Following 'Barbie' Movie

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Expect to see more Barbie cars on the road.

The newest 'Barbie' movie, featuring Margot Robbie behind the wheel of a modified C1 Chevrolet Corvette, has sparked a significant uptick in interest for pink Chevy Corvettes. The film's main trailer was released on May 25th, and since then, the search for convertible Chevy Corvettes has soared, reflecting the ongoing fascination with both the iconic toy and the classic car.

Watch an impatient Corvette driver wreck out big here.

A Surge in Searches

Between May 19 and June 18 of this year, searches for convertible Chevy Corvettes on Auto Trader reached 12,000, marking a 120 percent increase compared to the same period in the previous year. The release of the trailer appears to have been a catalyst, inspiring fans and car enthusiasts alike to seek out their very own pink 'Vette.


Additionally, listings for pink convertibles on the platform have surged by 93 percent over the same timeframe, further emphasizing the impact the film is having on the car market.

More Than Just Auto Trader

The fascination with Barbie's Corvette isn't confined to Auto Trader. An analysis of Google search data from the past three months reveals even more interest:

  • Searches for "Barbie movie car" have increased by 450 percent.

  • Searches for "Barbie Corvette" have risen by 80 percent.

  • "Pink Corvette" searches have gone up by 21 percent.

  • "Barbie Car" has seen a 19 percent rise in search frequency.

A Classic Combination

The Chevrolet Corvette has long been associated with Barbie, mirroring the car's status as a symbol of American freedom and luxury. The combination of a classic American sports car with one of the most recognizable and enduring toys in history has created a unique cultural phenomenon.

In the film, Margot Robbie's portrayal of Barbie takes the wheel of a modified C1, driving the car with an unmistakable sense of flair and confidence. This portrayal seems to have struck a chord with audiences, resonating with the broader appeal of the Corvette as an object of desire and status.

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