
Police Recover Dodge Hellcats Stolen In Georgia

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The Dodge muscle car theft saga continues…

Authorities in Alabama have recovered 3 Dodge Hellcats which were reportedly stolen in Georgia. The whole incident started at about 6:15 am on July 16 when police in Jefferson County, Alabama tried stopping a 2016 Dodge Challenger Hellcat which was speeding on 1-59. Instead of just pulling over, the driver of that muscle car decided to flee, presumably because the vehicle was stolen.

Whatever happened to Dodge's promised and now overdue security update to prevent its muscle cars from being stolen? Find out here.

Like so many chases involving high-powered performance vehicles, this one ended because the driver’s skills were outstripped by the capabilities of the car. After the suspect lost control of the Hellcat, it spun out and hit a curb. After that it was apparently unable to drive, maybe because of a broken axle, damaged wheels, or something else – the report is fuzzy in that area.

photo credit: Stellantis
photo credit: Stellantis