
Porsche Left a Cheeky Message On the 911 GT3 Acura Bought to Develop the NSX

From Road & Track

A note to any automakers benchmarking cars built by Porsche: They will find you, and they'll probably leave you goofy messages hidden somewhere in the car. That's what happened when the 911 GT3 Acura was using to help develop the NSX's steering went back to the dealer for a recall service.

As many automakers do, Acura bought its 911 GT3 anonymously, but Porsche was able to figure out who it belonged to when it looked at the car's black-box data, according to Automotive News. It was at this point that Porsche decided to have a little bit of fun with its counterparts at Acura.


"Good luck Honda from Porsche. See you on the other side," read a note left under the 911 GT3's engine cover, according to the NSX's dynamics project leader Nick Robinson. The NSX team also benchmarked a McLaren 12C, and although McLaren never figured out that Acura owned the particular car, the dealer in charge of servicing raised an eyebrow.

"[The McLaren dealer] wanted to know, where did you go 205 mph? What track," said Robinson.

One has to wonder, though, how Porsche was so certain that the 911 GT3 in question belonged to the Acura NSX development team. It would be quite awkward if Porsche left that sort of note on a random customer's car.