
Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo Luggage Test: How much cargo space?

Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo Luggage Test: How much cargo space?

A "Sport Turismo" in Porsche speak is a wagon. It should therefore not come as a surprise that an automotive journalist is a big fan of the Sport Turismo body style, as we have long been and forever will be enthusiasts of the long-roofed automobiles. They're sadly almost as endangered as manual transmissions, though, so kudos to Porsche for keeping the torch alight even if it takes avoiding the dreaded W word.

Now, when it comes to actual cargo space, the Panamera Sport Turismo wouldn't seem to actually grant you much beyond the regular Panamera. The specs say there are 17.6 cubic-feet behind the raised back seat in the Panamera, whereas there are 18.3 cubic-feet with the Sport Turismo. The Taycan Cross/Sport Turismo body style has a similar "who cares?" cargo advantage on paper.

Unfortunately, without a regular Panamera on hand, I can't speak to that difference. What I can talk about, however, is whether the cargo space really is as pathetic as that 18.3-cubic-foot figure would indicate. That's subcompact SUV territory, a volume that in theory, should not be able to accommodate all the bags in my standard luggage test. Not in a hatchbacked vehicle like the Panamera, at least.

Let's see how it does in practice.

This is a very deep space with a notably wide portion at the very back. Golf clubs? No problem, in fact, this looks like it was specifically designed with golf clubs in mind. Thankfully, those extra-side insets should prove just as useful for those who couldn't tell a 4 iron from a sand wedge.