
Porsche Rennsport Reunion Rides Again—in 2023

Photo credit: Juergen Tap
Photo credit: Juergen Tap

These things are never really guaranteed, you know. Just because there have been six fabulous Porsche Rennsport Reunions so far didn’t ever mean there would be a seventh. None of them were ever a sure thing until Porsche said they’d be. The fact that we were all left hanging kept our interest up—that and the hope of once again seeing all those legendary cars and drivers.

But with a single-page press release sent out from Porsche Cars North America headquarters in Atlanta, it's now official: Yes, there will be a Rennsport Reunion VII.

And there was much rejoicing.

Photo credit: Porsche
Photo credit: Porsche

Granted, we don’t know where it will be. We don’t know when, except that it’ll be sometime in 2023. And who knows which drivers and which cars will make the show? But it’s a fair guess it’ll be fan-tastic.


“For the seventh time, life on the edge will be celebrated—from the boldest and most exciting Porsche cars yet created to the people responsible for designing them, to the drivers who took the cars right to their limits,” Porsche says. “All will gather for an exhilarating event that promises to celebrate not only Porsche’s past and present, but to capture a glimpse into the future, on both the track and on the road.”

And that was it, as far as hard information went.

“The theme, dates and location of Rennsport VII will be announced in due course,” reads the press release.

Photo credit: Porsche
Photo credit: Porsche

But judging from the last six Rennsports, you won’t be disappointed. Here’s what we wrote 21 years ago about the first Rennsport:

“In its ability to generate race fan sensory overload, the Porsche Rennsport Reunion at Lime Rock Park was a bit like the Monterey Historic Races or the Goodwood Revival. Look one way and there's a famous driver, say Jacky Ickx or Derek Bell. Look another and there's an iconic race car, say a 908 or an RSK or a 917/30—no wait, make that two 917/30s. Round a corner and there's Vic Elford chatting with Hurley Haywood while Milt Minter and George Follmer walk by an ex-Peter Gregg 935. A throttle blips and you realize, oops, time to step aside for a parade of 956s and 962s headed for the starting grid.”

We’ve been to all of them and they’ve all been like that. And Porschephiles need them. Everyone who loves Porsches—from the guys who raced them to the guys who own them, to the guy who knows every lug nut of historical tidbit about every Porsche made and will gleefully point out any discrepancies he finds to anyone who will listen—all those guys love Rennsport Reunions and the reunions wouldn’t be the same without them.

Photo credit: Porsche
Photo credit: Porsche

Yes, there had been and continue to be other Porsche gatherings. Porsche was the honored marque in Monterey in 1998 when the company celebrated its 50th anniversary. That was a good gathering, but it shared the peninsula with Packards and Ferraris, McLarens and Minervas.

A few weeks after that first Reunion an event organized by the great Porsche pilote Brian Redman at Watkins Glen marked the joint 50th anniversaries of both Porsche and The Glen (called the 50-50, naturally enough). Just last week came the announcement that the Porsche Sports Car Together Fest would be held again at Indianapolis Motor Speedway September 2-4. And there have been many wildly successful Luftgekuhlts put on in Southern California and around the world.

But the big daddy of them all is Rennsport Reunion, and now we know it’s officially coming. You have a year to start planning. We’ll let you know more details as Porsche leaks them out.