
Princess Diana’s Old Escort Is On The Market

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Would you take this for a spin?

The Escort, perhaps one of the most unfortunate names in automotive history, doesn’t enjoy a stellar reputation on this side of the pond. It’s not that people think the little economy car was a bad vehicle, just that it certainly didn’t live up to its glamorous namesake. For Americans, it’s more than a little amusing to think a British royal drove one back in the 90s, especially the highly fashionable Princess Diana. Now, that famous car is heading for the auction block, so you could take the pricess’ Escort out for a night on the town.


Check out Princess Di’s other Ford Escort here.

Funny enough, Princess Diana had a soft spot for Escorts. We covered when her 1981 Ford Escort Ghia Saloon crossed the auction block last summer, causing quite the stir thanks in no small part to the frog hood ornament, making it quite distinct.