
We Promise This Is the Last Compilation of Nurburgring Crashes and Drifts We'll Post This Year

From Road & Track

The end of the year means that we start to see all sortsof compilations of crashes and drifts on the Nurburgring.

Thing is, there are many of them, and we tend to put them on our website because they can be enjoyable to watch and it sends you down a rabbit hole of 'Ring videos, which means you've wasted nearly the entire day on the internet. We're here to help you waste time, but we don't want to be a valid excuse to your bosses/teachers/professors/wives as to why you've slacked off on your duties.

So, now, we promise, this compilation of excellent drifts and not so excellent crashes will be the final such video we post from the Nurburgring this year.


We swear. Seriously. For true.

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