
Putin takes delivery of his new presidential limo

In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin was once again elected President of his nation, and he took the oath of office on Monday. With that title came a swanky new set of wheels that Putin used for his ride to his inauguration ceremony at the Kremlin.

The Russian Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automobile Engines Institute (NAMI) early this decade commanded a consortium of automakers to produce Putin's new presidential limo under the title Project Kortezh. The result is this massive Aurus Senat, and it's the first Russian-built vehicle for the head of state since Mikhail Gorbachev rode in a Zil-41052.

According to Russia Today, the car was developed with the cooperation of the automotive holding company Sollers. It will be sold under the Aurus brand, while Senat is the name for the limo model. It's underpinned by the Project Kortezh platform, which will officially be referred to as the Unified Modular Platform. The goal with this setup is to provide a range of luxury vehicles with different body styles. An SUV, a standard-wheelbase sedan and even a minivan is planned.

While our own President gets a super secret ride developed by General Motors fitted with the latest in safety and communications technology, the Aurus limo will eventually be made available for sale to the general public. Only 250-300 will be sold per year for a price of $95,500 to $111,500. Now, we'd have to imagine that Putin's limo is set up quite a bit differently than the standard public road car that should be for sale by 2019.


Regardless, the Aurus Senat certainly has a commanding presence. The car looks a bit like a Mercedes-Maybach joined forces with a Chrysler 300.

It would be quite an experience to ride in the Aurus Senat. That's not nearly as likely as riding in a limousine used in a movie, though.