
Red Bull F1 Just Signed Sergio Pérez For 2 More Years

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Red Bull F1 Signs Sergio Pérez For 2 More YearsKym Illman - Getty Images

On Tuesday, June 4, Red Bull Racing announced that driver Sergio Pérez has signed a two-year contract extension with the team, setting up Pérez to run with the team through the introduction of major new regulations during the 2026 season. Pérez becomes the latest free agent off the board in a busy 2024 Formula 1 silly season — and in the process has locked in one of the best seats in the sport.

Pérez had just one win to his name when he joined Red Bull in 2021: a victory in Bahrain during his second-to-last race before the end of his seven-year stint at what is now Aston Martin Racing. He's claimed five more victories since, all on temporary street circuits. His performance has not been impressive week-to-week, but he has crucially helped secure three straight manufacturer's championships while allowing teammate Max Verstappen to take four driver's titles in recent years.


That record of success as an established second driver is enough for Pérez to continue at Red Bull, a program that has generally stuck to a hierarchy of one title-contending driver and one less-competitive second driver since Sebastian Vettel starred for the team in the early 2010s. Pérez sits fifth in this year's standings, 62 points behind the championship-leading Verstappen.

The extension means that Pérez will spend at least six seasons at Red Bull Racing. That's the same length of time that Vettel, a four-time champion in his time at Red Bull, spent with the program. It is longer than Daniel Ricciardo's stint with the team and just one year short of Mark Webber's long run as a Red Bull driver. While Pérez is not a major week-to-week factor in the series, he has done his job as a second driver well — so it's little surprise that Red Bull seems content to move forward with Checo in that role going forward.

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