
Replicas Of $5M Corvette All Wrecked, Destroyed During 'Fast Five' Stunts

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It's a good thing they decided not destroy the actual rare classic.

We are all familiar with The Fast and the Furious movie franchise considering it revolves around cars. Even people who aren't into cars are fans of the movie considering the emotional storylines and characters, and there's no doubt that the franchise should be credited for creating more car enthusiasts. These movies featured some insane stunts involving cars, and here is one that involved replicas of a $5 million dollar vehicle with all them ultimately crashed and destroyed. That would be a 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Sting Ray.

<img src="1966-corvette.jpg" alt="1966 Chevrolet Corvette">
David Pierini/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service by way of Getty Images

Although the movies were profitable, the premier of Fast Five sent profits through the roof, ultimately turning it into the massive franchise it is today. One reason would be the introduction of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson to the cast as Luke Hobbs along with crazy plots and stunts that took everything to another level.