
Report: Pedestrian deaths reached their highest level in 40 years

Report: Pedestrian deaths reached their highest level in 40 years

Pedestrians are dying at a shocking rate, with 7,522 killed by drivers in 2022. According to a new study titled "Dangerous by Design," from Smart Growth America, that’s a 75 percent increase since 2010, the highest number in 40 years.

Smart Growth’s data showed that pedestrian deaths have decreased only three times since 2010. However, there was a significant jump between 2020 and 2021, when the number climbed from 6,565 to 7,388, which coincides with reports of increased traffic deaths for drivers.

The highest risks came from lower-income areas, with nearly five times the number of people dying in the lowest median household income brackets than those in the highest. Smart Growth pointed out that households with incomes below $50,000 only account for 17 percent of the overall population but make up 30 percent of all pedestrian deaths.