
Revved Up! Readers React to Week's Biggest Racing News, Oct. 19 Edition

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Readers React to Week's Biggest Racing NewsIcon Sportswire - Getty Images

It’s been a wild week in racing, with the biggest story being the Bubba Wallace-Kyle Larson tangle in Las Vegas (and Bubba’s subsequent one-race suspension)—not to mention his one-race suspension and other follow-up angles.

We had several hundred replies from readers not just about Bubba, but other stories as well. Here’s some of the best comments. And if you want to add your thoughts on a particular topic, feel free to do so at the bottom or by sending us a note directly at

Let’s get Revved Up!

Bubba Wallace, Kyle Larson Tussle after On-Track Incident at Vegas NASCAR Race

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Bubba Wallace, left, and Kyle Larson got hot under the collar this past week.Jonathan Bachman - Getty Images

Readers Say:

adw55: Larson was incredibly calm through all of that, and his comments were spot-on. This season has seen racing become stupidly dangerous, with drivers intentionally taking each other out, or just driving recklessly with the same result. I don't care if it's Bubba or Gibbs, if somebody intentionally takes another driver out like they did, there had better be stiff penalties, or it will start happening even more and become a very different sport.


len7220: I watched the replay over and over and I did not see Larson's car come in contact with the Wallace car prior to Wallace hitting the wall. I did see the Wallace car swerve right and the wall was there. Maybe lifting should have been an option to allow for finishing the race and not wrecking a teammate. Wallace states, "he never lifts." Besides pushing and shoving Larson around is one thing but, Wallace shoving a NASCAR official should not be tolerated? jmo

BigEdSVO50: As usual Bubba over reacted to a mistake he made. It could have been a lot worse if Harvick wasn't on top of his game. He stayed out of a possible huge wreck with a smart move, it's called LIFTING! Oh, and he finished the race also.

bob8003: During the 2015 season Matt Kenseth deliberately rammed Joey Logano and pushed him into the outside wall. For this action Kenseth was suspended by NASCAR for two races. I would expect NASCAR to levy the same penalty on Wallace. Frankly I feel the action by Wallace was much more dangerous since he took his action in traffic at higher speeds than Martinsville, and ultimately caused contact with another competitor.

rob8840: Larson needs to take some Karate classes in the off season so he doesn't just stand there like a wimp. Go to Cobra Kai man.

jsy1205: Larson is trained in Martial Arts, and he also knows restraint and showed maturity in this incident!!!

Autoweek Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: Actually, for what it’s worth, Kyle does know martial arts (he was pitched to compete in an MMA fight in 2020 just before COVID hit). While I commend NASCAR for suspending Bubba, one race was definitely not enough. He should have been suspended for the three remaining races of the season, fined heavily and be placed on probation for all of the 2023 season. Sadly, I think this slap on the wrist is going to have very little impact upon Bubba and he’s just another incident waiting to happen. I just hope and pray the next time the other driver isn’t seriously hurt … or worse.

NASCAR Suspends Bubba Wallace, But Penalty Could Have Been Worse

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NASCAR handed Bubba Wallace a one-race suspension. He’ll miss Sunday’s race at Homestead-Miami.Sean Gardner - Getty Images

Readers Say:

tra2481: NASCAR is a joke. (With) all the concussions and broken bones, all you see is a one-race suspension? I’m disgusted with NASCAR.

IrishRonD: When it is late in the season, and the driver does not have a chance for the championship, having them sit out of a race at the end of the season is just a slap on the wrist. If you aren't in the championship run, and you create something of this magnitude, you should have to at least sit out of the opening race the following season.

jsy1205: Really NASCAR??? You are a bunch of cowards. BW will learn nothing from a one race suspension! His team will learn nothing. No points penalty for either driver or owner. Bell, a playoff contender is damaged, officials disrespected and physically pushed and Larson penalty!!! BW is melatonin teflon ... nothing sticks!!! This shows what BW and NASCAR are all about, and it is not equitable racing!!! DISGUSTING!!!

Justbob: So let me see if I have this correct. 20 or so crew chiefs and tire changers are all suspended for four races each for unsecured tires on the new single lug car. If teams touch a part out of the NASCAR parts catalog in anyway, no matter how insignificant, they are fines heavily and large points are penalized. Matt Kenseth gets a two race suspension in 2015 for just intentionally wrecking Logano. By just, I mean only the cowardly act itself. Nothing more. Other drivers get penalized heavy fines and points for either bumping another driver (under caution) or blocking. But yet NASCAR feels it's appropriate to levy a one race suspension on Bubba Wallace for the slight infraction of: A) Intentionally turning another driver into the wall at upwards of 180 miles per hour. B) Indirectly wrecking another driver who is still part of the circus playoffs. C) Disregarding the NASCAR directive stating that drivers stay in their cars and leave with the safety team, crossing the live track and the ignore NASCAR officials and assault a much smaller Kyle Larson multiple times on live tv. D) And I guess putting his hands on an official as well. E) Then disregards another directive about trips to the infield care center and crosses a live pit lane. But as of yet, no fines, no points, no anything other than a one-race suspension. I bet the tire changers who make far less feel this is fair. So what is different about Bubba Wallace that affords him as small a penalty the NASCAR could possibly try to justify?

Autoweek Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: Well said, JustBob. I also wanted to let the other readers have their say and, honestly, no further comment is needed from me because there’s little more that can be said that hasn’t already been said. But I will add just one thing: Bubba apologized to his team and owners, his sponsors, Christopher Bell … but he did not apologize to Kyle Larson. Bad, bad look from you on that, Bubbs.

Haas' Steiner: F1 Does Not Need New Teams, and That Includes Michael Andretti

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Haas F1 Team’s Guenther Steiner is happy keeping Formula 1 at 10 teams.Bryn Lennon - Formula 1 - Getty Images

Readers Say:

han7253: They "shared the pie" with you, didn't they (Guenther)? Aren't you being a little hypocritical?

RallyeFordGuru: As much as I like Gunther Steiner, I have to disagree with him on this one. As another reader shared, Haas was allowed to enter back in 2016 so why the double standard? It's all just a very close-minded approach towards doing business. Everyone knows that competition improves the final product.

avi8340: There is zero doubt that bringing an American team to F1 would also millions of new F1 fans and spectators. How could that be nothing but good F1.

bke4857: Guenther Steiner no doubt wants Haas to be the only US Team on the circuit. Bringing in Michael Andretti is a great thing, especially adding even more US fans! Problem is, they're afraid of the competition with a former Racer/Owner. If Roger Penske decided to start a F1 Team, I can guarantee you that the entire paddock would have a cow!

wmf7954: The size of the pie has grown now with 3 races in the USA. Adding an American team with the name of one of the most famous F1 drivers of all time would boost Formula 1 in the USA, and in the rest of the world. Adding some more international diversity would benefit everyone. Steiner's comment is simple selfishness.

sfx6561: Steiner isn't stupid, another team joining is just two more cars ahead of Haas.. why would he possibly want that?

cla1453: Why can't potential teams qualify for entry at a set time before the season? Steiner has had one losing team right after another. There is little doubt that he fears a far more successful, truly American Andretti Team. He's had his chance.

mdd1965: Sure why have an American team that wants to have an American driver and manufacturing facility in Indiana and maybe try to win a race every once in a while? Keep the poorly run make believe American team that is just there to collect 9th or 10th place prize money every year.

Autoweek Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: Guenther Steiner is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He’s European, so he’s trying to protect F1’s European “brand.” But he also runs the only team from the U.S. and appears to be afraid not only of American competition, but also the fact Michael Andretti is a winner and it likely wouldn’t take him very long—based upon his already lengthy winning track record as a driver and team owner—to build a winning organization in F1. I’ve felt for the last couple of years that owner Gene Haas should have a major shakeup of his F1 team, and that starts right at the top by getting rid of Steiner (although I’d still like to see Haas give Mick Schumacher another couple more seasons to mature and develop as a driver).

NASCAR Champ Kurt Busch’s Career Filled with Highs and Lows

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Kurt Busch is stepping away from full-time NASCAR Cup competition.Tim Nwachukwu - Getty Images

mbe1532: The last Cup driver to race against Dale Earnhardt. End of an era.

bar6253: I didn't know that, that is an end of an era for sure. I think the highs of his career are certainly the championship with Roush. And of course the Daytona 500 win with Stewart-Haas. A lot of drivers would gladly take half of his accomplishments.

llo4064: I admire Kurt for his racing abilities, his aggressive yet smart driving style, and his cool head. I have watched and cheered for him for many years. I hope he will be just fine, and if he races again, I will be happy. If he cannot race again, I hope he can take some measure of happiness for all the fans he MADE happy!

Autoweek Racing Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: I also didn’t realize Kurt was the last driver to race vs. Earnhardt. It truly is the sad end of an era, although I take some solace that Kurt says he is still willing to have a few starts in 2023—provided he’s medically able to. If not, he’s given us a great career that we can look back at. He’s definitely a first-ballot NASCAR Hall of Famer.

10 Years and Counting: How the F1 US Grand Prix Aims to Be ‘F1’s Largest Ever Event’

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Organizers have some big plans for the F1 U.S. Grand Prix at Austin.Getty Images - Getty Images

Readers Say:

vipermike0217: In a way, sounds as though America has two Super Bowl events each year. The Bowl itself and COTA on its heels. Everything in sport just seems to have gotten so gigantic. May be a big exaggeration on my part, but when I used to make the long drive to Watkins Glen for the race it felt a bit esoteric. With the demise of 'The Glen' the drive to Montréal, a beautiful city with wonderful people changed the 'vibe' completely. As it is said, 'you can't stop progress'.

Autoweek Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: I get it that promoters must sometimes say outlandish things to promote their product and put fannies in the stands. But COTA’s Bobby Epstein seems to be forgetting one VERY big thing: the F1 race at COTA never has been and never will be as big as the biggest race not just in the U.S., but in the world: the Indianapolis 500. Epstein did a big disservice to not only IndyCar but auto racing fans in general in this country. Don’t get me wrong, COTA is definitely a world-class facility. But on F1 race day there, COTA doesn’t even draw one-third the crowd Indianapolis Motor Speedway does for the Indy 500.

Why Time Is Now for NASCAR to Reduce Speeds to Combat Head Injuries

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The hits seem to be harder with the NASCAR Cup Series Next Gen car, drivers say.Icon Sportswire - Getty Images

Readers Say:

HumansAreDumb: Need to come into the 21st century!!! 1.5 liter 4 cyl the only way to go, before they go all electric by law!

dungbeetle62: The difference between entering the corner at 190 vs. 170 is barely noticeable to most spectators.

Autoweek Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: While I like HumansAreDumb’s comedic reply, DungBeetle62 is 100 percent right: very few fans will be able to distinguish the speed difference between 190 mph and 170 mph—unless they were holding radar guns in their hands. That being said, while there may be some things that need to be improved and changed in the Next Generation car, particularly the cause of the number of concussions we’ve seen this season and some of its durability/safety when it comes to crashes, I also feel very confident NASCAR will make significant changes during the off-season. I expected some issues and things that needed to be tweaked, if not outright changed, during the first season, but I think Next Gen 2.0 (as in the 2023 version) will be much safer and racy – even if speeds are taken down slightly. The big thing is races need to be competitive, side-by-side action must be tight and close (but not wreck opponents like Bubba Wallace did to Kyle Larson) and if speeds are down 10-20 mph, I don’t think that’s such a big deal.

Hailie Deegan Turns Heads with Impressive NASCAR Xfinity Series Debut

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Hailie Deegan finished 13th in her Xfinity Series debut.Icon Sportswire - Getty Images

Readers Say:

jam3639: I had my doubts about her based on her truck results, but she seemed to fit better with the Xfinity car since they run more to what she is used to. I don't know if the two years in the trucks has made her less appealing, but with DGR moving back to Toyota next year, her options are somewhat slim. I think back to what Kelley Earnhardt said once, that she hoped a sponsor would put their money where they mouth was and allow Deegan to develop. If she manages to get a 2023 ride, it is almost past time for her to deliver.

Autoweek Contributor Jerry Bonkowski Says:

JB Says: Hailie is a very talented young lady. Wait, scratch that. She is a very talented race car driver. Her gender shouldn’t be part of it. Yes, she’s struggled in Trucks, but what she did in the Xfinity race makes me optimistic. Hailie had so much pressure placed upon her when she first started racing in NASCAR—that she was the next Danica Patrick, etc.—which wasn’t really fair. And when she struggled, she became the butt of jokes and had difficulty living up to the early expectations. But I think she’s been on a learning mission and going forward, particularly if/when she moves to the Xfinity Series, we’re going to see better performances and eventually wins from her.

Follow Autoweek contributor Jerry Bonkowski on Twitter @JerryBonkowski