
Roommate calculates the exact amount each person should pay for shared couch: ‘Crazy’

Nobody likes a stingy roommate, but sometimes they’re hard to avoid.

For example, one woman on TikTok claims she once lived with someone who not only formally billed her for the couch they bought for the apartment but also tried to calculate her share based on some pretty elaborate math.

According to TikTok user @jynwaye, the roommate divided the total cost of the couch by its “expectant lifespan” and then multiplied that by the number of days she expected @jynwaye to be home (and therefore using said couch).

According to the poster, the roommate apparently divided the total cost of the couch by its “expectant lifespan” and then multiplied that by the number of days she expected @jynwaye to be home (and therefore using said couch). In addition, she sent the “billing” information via an Excel spreadsheet, which outlined exactly how she arrived at the amount owed.


The roommate is an accountant who apparently takes their profession (and their bank account) very seriously.

The clip is even more hilarious because it uses the theme song for Succession, the HBO drama series that follows a group of money-hungry relatives and their fight for control over the family business.

Since posting the TikTok, @jynwaye has received more than 1.5 million views and a ton of input from strangers who are mostly shaking their heads over this story.

“it’s giving $3 venmo request for the uber,” one person quipped.

“she hit you with the Couch timeshare,” added someone else.

“is it extra? yes,” another user noted. “is it extra because she was doing her damnedest to make sure it was fair down to the cent? also yes.”

The TikTok creator did try to come to her ex-roommate’s defense by explaining that the roommate planned to take the couch with her at the end of their lease, which is why she wanted something for it. But even that didn’t justify things for some people.

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